HOw Do I sign up for a shoot?
You can either follow this link HERE to sign up or email myself to find out when the next sessions will be
What should i expect?
It's just one photographer and you reading your letter, it's a simple space just focusing on you and your words, nothing else.
What do i wear?
Non primary, solid colors are best with these kinds of portraits. Muted colors like beige, denim, linen, etc. works best.
where will these be shown?
At the current moment they will be housed on this website and on an instagram account @ALetterToYouProject.
However, I would love to have a gallery showing with these photos and headphones for people to listen to at some point.
What should I write about?
Just listen to your heart and let the words come out. If you need some pointers, go to the ABOUT page for a list of ideas.
How do I support people grieving?
Everyone is different in their grieving processes. If you need some further support, Our House Grief support services is an amazing organization that has been supporting people through their grieving processes for 25 years!